Complete a short form to create a listing that will get your boat(s) noticed.
Site Guide
From the select box, choose a previously entered listing to edit or
add a new boat to the seeBoat.com database (brokers only).
Manage the status of your boat's sale with the click of the mouse.
Update your boat's make, model, and features with our user-friendly interface.
Add a complete description or overview of your boat to entice
potention buyers to act.
Match the number above to the corresponding number on the right
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Add specifications about your boat to create a complete
spec sheet that will really help you boat sales.
Site Guide
Notice how a copy of the default image (if available) will follow your
boat listing throughout the boat listing process.
Add specs about dimensions, engines and tankage with our user-friendly interface.
Add additional specifications with user defined headers, and copy. You can also
include a list of items (seperated by a comma) that will be presented to the
viewer in a bullet list. This system is simple and easy!
Match the number above to the corresponding number on the right
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Add images to compliment your listing, and drive more traffic.
Site Guide
Click the browse button to view files (on your local system) for
uploading. You can also add a caption of the picture to make your
listing more compelling and complete. Checking the default image box
will insure that image will be the first image to appear.
The default image is listed first. If you have more than one default image,
the images are arranged alphabetically by caption. A good way to order your images
is by naming your captions in the order you would like the images to appear.
Additional images (up to 10) will be listed below the default images. Click on the
edit link to edit the caption, or press the delete to remove the image.
Match the number above to the corresponding number on the right
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Instantly view real time statistics showing interest in each listing.
Site Guide
Once you've added your boat, you will have the ability to view
real time statistics for each boat you have listed on seeBoat.com
Counter Started: Date boat was entered into system.
Total Views: Total number of times a browser has viewed the complete
listing of that boat.
Featured Boat: This stat shows the number of times you boat
has been a feature boat on the home page. NOTE: Boats are pulled
randomly for this feature.
Contained in Folders: Number of users that have placed this
boat into their own personal boat folder.
Emailed to a Friend: This stat shows the number of times a user
has emailed this boat to a friend.
Match the number above to the corresponding number on the right
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