January 16, 2025  

Site Guide

Welcome to seeBoat.com, the best way for individuals to buy and sell used boats and yachts.  If at any time you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for please email support@seeboat.com and let us know.

Home Page  |   Registration  |   Members  |   Boat Search  |   Boat Folder  |   Seller Admin

The Home Page is the starting point to all the
great things waiting inside seeBoat.com.

Site Guide
1.    Use the main navigation in this area to navigate throughout the site.
2.    This area lists the most recent boats added to seeBoat.com.
3.    Create a new account or login to your existing seeboat.com account.
4.    Make sure you visit our sponsors. They have great deals for seeBoat.com members.
5.    Featured Boat Area. As a member these boats are matched to your criteria.
6.    Follow the adventures of The Damn Yankee and it's life at sea.
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Helpful Links
Individual member registration
Broker/Dealer member registration
Member benefits
View all Poll Results

How do I register?
Does it cost anything to register?
How long will I be a member?

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Register on seeBoat.com to take full advantage of all of
the great features built in to the seeBoat.com system.

Site Guide
1.    Complete the form to become a seeBoat.com member. All fields marked in red are required in order to become a member.
2.    After you complete the registration form, you will have the ability to change details about your membership such as personalizing your home page, automatic loan calculations, automatic notification of new boat listings, and local weather forecasts.
Match the number above to the corresponding number on the right

Helpful Links
Individual member registration
Broker/Dealer member registration
Member benefits

How do I register?
Does it cost anything to register?
How long will I be a member?

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As a member, you will be able to personalize your seeBoat.com experience.

Site Guide
1.    Once a member of seeBoat.com, you will have the ability to change options about how you view boats on seeBoat.com

Change Password: Change your password

Member Details: Change details about your membership information

Search Criteria: Every time you return to seeBoat.com, you search criteria will be remembered.

Loan Calculation: Every boat you view on seeBoat.com will have loan information instantly diplayed, based on your loan criteria.

boatHUNTER: Be the first to know about a certain boat that meets your boatHUNTER criteria (a seeBoat.com exclusive).

Helpful Links
Individual member registration
Broker/Dealer member registration
Member Area [members only]

How do I become a member?
Does it cost anything to be a member?

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seeBoat.com has one of the most sophisticated boat search tools on the internet.

Site Guide
1.    Enter a year, size and price range to narrow your search
2.    Location and Manufacturer will automatically populate once you choose either Region or State and what type of boat you are looking for.
3.    If you are a seeBoat.com member, you will have the option to save your criteria and administer your boatHunter notification schedule.
4.    Search results are conveniently displayed back on the same page as the search criteria you entered.
5.    The number of boats matching your criteria is diplayed along with the ability to quickly jump deeper into the results by choosing a different page of results to review.
6.    seeBoat.com is the only boat search engine that allows the browser to quickly sort the search results by ID, year, size, manufacturer, model, price location and boat name.
Match the number above to the corresponding number on the right

Helpful Links
Boat search

What is the boat search for?
How do I use the boat search?
What is the advantage of using the boat search?
Are there fees associated with using the boat search?
What if I want more information on a boat?
How do I add a boat to the boat search?

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As a member of seeBoat.com, you will be able to save boats into a virtual folder for later reviewing and comparison.

Site Guide
1.    The boat folder area of the seeBoat.com site offers a custom page of boats that you have determined to go into your folder. Folder options include the ability to sort your listings many ways.

Helpful Links
Boat Folder [members only]

How do I add a boat to my boat folder?
How do I see a boat in my boat folder?
How do I remove a boat from my boat folder?

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The seller admin provides a user-friendly form enabling you to
add and edit your boat to our database and sell it fast.

Site Guide
1.    The boat area of the seller administration area allows you to add and edit all aspects of selling your boat online. You can add additional specifications, images and review how many people have viewed your boat.
2.    Once you've sold you boat, a simple click will let buyers know your boat is no longer available.
3.    seeBoat.com forms are easy to navigate, and are programmed to not allow you to make a mistake. This attention to detail makes sure your boat is comparable to all other boats listed on our system.
Match the number above to the corresponding number on the right

Helpful Links
Boat Administration Demo

How do I get to the seller admin?
What if I'm adding a boat and I don't have all the info?
How can I add picture to my boat listing?
What else do I need to know about the seller admin?
How do I remove my listing?

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